Generic mod enabler for war in the pacific
Generic mod enabler for war in the pacific

generic mod enabler for war in the pacific

0 = paused, 4 = ultra speed through current actionĪgeuptonpc - Usage: ageUpToNPC. Returns Sim to a safe, neutral state at their home locationįamilyFunds - Usage: familyFunds. ResetDnP - resets the dreams and promises manager of the currently selected sim, using -all will reset all sims in current house's DnP managers Shows or hides talk/thought balloons above Sim heads HideHeadlineEffects - Usage: hideHeadlineEffects. Motherlode - Adds $50000 to active household fundsĮnablellamas - Usage: enableLlamas Kaching - Adds $1000 to active household funds JokePlease - Prints a random joke to the console Enables/disables 'spawned object proximity warning' dialogs.ĭisposeInvalidSimDesc - Deletes all Sim Descriptions that are missing required outfits. Spawnerwarnings - Usage: spawnerwarnings.

generic mod enabler for war in the pacific generic mod enabler for war in the pacific

Enables/disables dialogs, for soak testing. ResetLifetimeHappiness - Resets the lifetime happiness of all the sims in the active householdĭialogs - Usage: dialogs. SetHouseholdDescription - Sets the localization key for the active household's description SetHouseholdName - Sets the localization key for the active household's name RefreshOpportunities - Re-loads static opportunities data TriggerShareTutorial - Triggers the sharing tutorialette ToggleStringId - Shows the string key after localized text RefreshDnP - Re-loads static Dreams and Promises dataĭnPOutputPrimitives - outputs all DnP primitives so that they can be pasted into the dreamNames enumĪssertOnRetestingDnPNodes - Sets the game to assert if the DnP System removes a node when it retests the visible ones ShowMoreSocials - Shows 'More.' socials if some do not fit on the top menu ShowInteractions - Shows the names of the interactions above all the Sims' heads Usage: ExportAsPaidContent or (default is true) Usage: ExportAsEAContent or (default is false)ĮxportAsPaidContent - Exports content as Paid content. Usage: SaveSimAsLooseFile or (default is false)ĮxportAsEAContent - Exports content as EA content. SaveSimAsLooseFile - Sets the save sim mode. TestingCheatsEnabled - Usage: testingCheatsEnabled. Usage of debug commands could cause game instability, use at your own peril.Įnables the following debug console commands: SaveSimAsLooseFileĬould you post the usage of each command? Or it is already posted somewhere?This includes normal commands too, but sure: Debug console command enabler for The Sims 3.

Generic mod enabler for war in the pacific